27 March 2013

Mooshbot Minions: Coin & Token Update

The guys and gals have been workin' up a storm to get this part of the project off the ground.  The challenge coins should be in my hands in 4-6 weeks.  :D  I'm super excited.

We'd finalized the design to be the following:


Back.  The name/Minion number is just there as reference.  :)  The challenge coin will come with that section blank so that Minions can engrave as they please.

We'd decided to go with a 1.5" size coin in antique silver or black nickel.  The preference was originally for black nickel, but it might have come out too dark to see the proposed design.

Soon after the challenge coin is finalized, we're working on the design of "business cards" and plastic tokens for handing out/leaving around to remind people to commit a random act of kindness and to pay it forward.

During finals week, I used to put a few dollars into an envelope with a note card attached, stuck to the snack machine, telling fellow students to have a snack/drink on me.  This time around, I'd like to try it with the note card/business card and the token in hopes that people would retain that token and continue to pay it forward.  :)

For the tokens, we're thinking of plastic molded ones, with the same or very similar design to that of the challenge coin.  Perhaps I'll redo the backside for the tokens unless people would want to "etch" in their name.  There was also the option of wooden nickels like that of the prototype coins in a previous post, but the plastic ones may last longer.  

Cheers!  :)


  1. Are you going to be selling these coins? I love the idea and would like to own one if possible!

    Cheers, Neil!

    1. We will be! :) It is still in the works. :D If you'd like to drop an e-mail to aww.no.bueno@gmail.com, I'll keep you in mind when they are ready.
