05 October 2012

Pedometer (049/365)

This is my newest EDC addition.  :)  It's a cheap little pedometer ($5.00) from Wally World.  That's how many steps I took today, not including the steps from this morning's run!  :D  I never knew that I walked that much.  Actually, it's been steadily climbing ever since I got the pedometer and was more aware of how much activity I did each day.

I'm slowly training to become a better runner.  I always thought that I was a horrible runner, but turns out that I just never gave it the time of day.  My runs are currently between 8-10 minutes per mile and steadily getting better.  I'm planning on doing Color Run 2012 this year.  :)

I would eventually like a "better" pedometer than this in the future.  Not necessarily "better," but I remember wanting the Switch2Health (S2H) Replay last year.  But as there were some bugs in the function and design, I decided to wait for the S2H Step to come out.  It's $25.00 and you receive a code for every 10,000 steps that you take.  Those codes translate to points, which in turn can be used to redeem prizes (gift cards, coupons, etc.) from their website.

Now that I think about it though, I wonder if the S2H does distance and calorie conversions as well or if it's just a simple pedometer.  In which case, I've been getting a lot of recommendations for the FitBit ($60.00).  Still, the idea of getting rewards just for doing my daily activities intrigues me.  :)

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