26 September 2012

Tiny Bike (040/365)

I took this picture after school today.  :)  My bike is the teeny tiny one in the middle!  I hadn't realized how small it was until I was able to compare it to the other kids' bikes at University today.

It's the bike from my previous post.  It was $50.00 and it works well for my use.  Being only 4' 11", the kids' 20" bike was all I needed.  I brought up the seat and adjusted the handle and it works perfectly fine.

Like I mentioned before, I wanted a bike that would fit in my car (I have to drive to my friend's house, then ride the rest of the way to school since there's no parking there), didn't break the bank/wouldn't make me cry if it were stolen, and fit me nicely.

All in all, I'm a happy camper.  :)

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