15 September 2012

Newest Member of the Family (030/365)

Though not EDC related, I wanted y'all to meet Sir Maximilian Piddles ... aka MAX.  :)  He's the newest member of the family.  Max is a full breed Shih Tzu, two years of age.  I adopted him the shelter today and so far he's doing great.  Max is very laid back.  He knows a lot of tricks already and we already love him lots.  Here's to many more years with Sir Maximilian Piddles.  :D

He doesn't do very much.  He just likes to lounge around all day.  Pretty much the only time he's active is when he sees the leash and when he hears to treat box/bag rattle.

He doesn't seem to notice Mr. Tinkles, but boy does Mr. Tinkles notice him!  Mr. Tinkles is a little jealous and while I do make the effort to give him (Tinkles) extra attention, apparently, it's not enough.  He's so used to me giving him 100% attention that he's being a little baby at the moment.  It's getting better, so hopefully he'll come to realize that Sir Piddles is here to stay and that he's his little brother (albeit 4 times T's size!).

PS.  Though his microchip reads Max, he doesn't answer to the name at all.  I wonder what his previous parents called him.  Or maybe he thinks his name is the rattle of a treat box.

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