23 September 2012

Mexican Jumping Beans - Pure Nostalgia (038/365)

I found these at Dollar Tree on my break at work.  I got them just 'cause I had a dollar burning a hole in my pocket.  :)  Well, not really.  I got them 'cause Brother had these when he was younger and he had killed them on accident by leaving them under the lamp for too long.  I believe he'd gotten them at KB Toys waaaaaay back.

It was nice to see something so simple bring back so many memories.  :)

Anyhow, Brother was happy to get them.  We're waiting on them to "hatch" from their little bean pod and emerge as little moths now.  It's kind of fun seeing them rattle in their little box.  Mom thinks that they're possessed and can't quite grasp why these beans are jumping on their own.

Apparently, the ones I bought (and the same ones Brother got when he was younger) are from Jbeans.com.  There's a nice little story about them there as well as an explanation on them (with care instructions, too!).  It's pretty cute and I think it's very nice of them to offer free beans to teachers and their students for submitting in a story.  :)

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