After a week of helping out the Joes with Mission: Superstorm Sandy, this is what I came home to. There are 10 packages in this photo, but I've been told that there's more to come by my buddy KAMMster. The guys and gals over at EDCF sure know how to surprise a girl!
In these packages, we have:
Baldeo Terroir. This was funny because the person who got it for me found me on Pinterest and followed my "Stuff I Want" board. :P That sneaky member! :)
Holy cow! Who knew people followed my posts on EDCF that closely. :P A few months back, WillyDigger had made a copper medallion of his infamous skulls. I then replied with, "I'd want a ninja coin in that style!" This was in late August. Fast forward to mid December, and this precious thing arrives in my mail. Blurple's totally rockin' it!
A single bladed Vic! Something I've been looking forward to owning in quite some time. And it's purple, to boot! :D
This definitely feeds my "pocketables" hunger. I was completely amazed by how much stuff was in there. I'm EDCing this in my backpack at the moment. :)
This is really cool. It's a holster for a Bic lighter and a couple batteries. One member made this by hand all by himself for me. :) Freaken awesome! :D
I've never thrown knives, but I sure do find it interesting. :) I will definitely be reading up on this come winter intersession.
My Mr. Sharkie and EDCF challenge coin came! :D I'm wondering if I could either drill a hole or find a nice pouch for it to live in. I would really like to carry it on a chain leash, pocket watch style. :) Fancy. :D
A plethora of goodies from Mr. Gnarly. :) There's a Klean Kanteen with a cigar in it (which *ahem* I shall not be smoking, good Sir), a pouch from 1971 that was on his rigger's belt, a couple of glow sticks/chem lights, a few tubes, some awesome 200 lb test line, a keychain light, and a couple trinkets. :D
By buddy KAMMster got me a purple TEC glow fob! :D I'm still debating as to whether or not to carry it on my backpack or replace the SS one I have on my keychain. :)
A flippin' sweet purple shemagh. haha I'm so bad at accessorizing though - I've got to look up how to wear one of these. :) I wanted one ever since I saw one of our Joes wear it. At the moment, I only occasionally carry a scarf (I find that they get in the way) or the super cool EDCF Buff. :)
These were from when I was in Jersey. On one of the days I was able to visit the footprints of the WTC. The other two lights were given to me by a fellow EDCF member that I was able to meet up with while I was there. :D Thanks!