06 November 2012

Care Bags: Part 1 (078/365)

So this has been a project that I've wanted to work on for a while now, but didn't have the funds to put it together.  Well, one kind gentleman loved the idea so much that I had received some start up money to do so.  The project?  Care bags!  :)

Also known as "Blessing Bags," these are usually gallon sized zip lock baggies filled with every day necessities (toiletries, snacks, water, etc.) that are given out to those who need it.  More often than not, these are made and given out by individuals as well as [youth] groups and families during the holidays to bring some extra joy to the homeless and such.

My original plan was to make a few bags to keep in my car trunk and hand them out when I come across someone who may need it.  In the past, because I do not carry cash on me, I've resorted to purchasing meals for them at local restaurants.  I then started to pull items from my own emergency packs that I keep in the car.  Eventually it got too hard to keep track of what items I needed to replace for my own use.

So why not make them their own bags?  :)  In the next few posts, I'll write up and take photographs of how this project evolves over time.  My best friend and I will be perusing the aisles of the local stores to find the best deal on the necessary items to put these together.

With the startup money for this project, I'll be able to not only go on with my original plan of keeping a few of these bags in the car, but also go ahead and hand these out "to the masses" come the holiday season.

What's the next project after this?  23 Random Acts of Kindness for my 23rd birthday.  :D  Keep posted!  :)

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