21 November 2012

EDC Microscope (092/365)

I got this neat little microscope in the mail today.  I was getting gifts via Amazon for a little holiday get together and needed a few small things to get to my $25.00 mark for FSS (unfortunately, my Amazon Student account expired).

It's really inexpensive at less than $3.xx with FSS or less than $2.xx shipped if you're willing to wait for shipping from HK.  I believe you can find it under SE 45x microcope.

As you can see from the shot above, it's extremely tiny and definitely EDCable.  I ditched the little case and just tossed it into my pocket.  I didn't have a quarter to show the sizing at the time, so there it is in comparison to Blurple, who has a 2.91" blade.

Taking it a step further, you can get some pretty nice pictures with your camera phone as seen below (all photos below were taken with the camera of the Motorola Atrix 4G, first generation):

Microsoft sticker @ full digital zoom

Blade etching on Blurple @ full digital zoom

Blade etching on Blurple, no zoom (different position than the picture above)

So yeah.  I think this little thing is great fun!  :)  You can take it a step further and attach it to your [spare] phone case as Crabfu does in the following video:

I wanted to glue just the ocular piece onto my own case and screw on the microscope when I wanted to use it, but the Atrix has sort of a curved back which made it hard to do.  It's a little bit of a hassle, but a steady hand will do the trick.  The other thing about the Atrix is that it hasn't got a "tap to focus" type deal going on.  So you just have to take a bunch of pictures since it focuses only when you hit the shutter button.

Cheers!  :)  If you've got a few dollars to splurge, this is a fun little toy to have.  :D  One downside is that it runs off of 3 LR927 batteries (the little button cell types).  But I suppose that at the price, I could just buy another microscope.

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