11 June 2013

Mooshbot Minions: Update

It seems that I'd hit a snag on this.  Short hiatus while I try to figure things out.  First thing's first comes my family - a few emergencies have come up in the past month and we're still scattering trying to get things settled.

Second thing... I miscalculated the cost of the coins/tokens + shipping for international orders.  Well, USPS did.  What was quoted as ~$5.00 shipping online came out to be $12.xx when I went to the post.  Ouch!  Took a major hit there.  Shipment on these will be on hold until I can find a reasonable fixed pricing.  All "original" Minions have been taken care of but all new orders/requests will be put on hold.  E-mail to the "original" Minions to follow.

My work schedule has also changed, so updates will come here and there as I can get them out.

A few things to toss out there:

  1. Eventually I'd like to have a page where everyone can submit their RAOKs.  Tumblr maybe?
  2. Along with that, perhaps on Fridays or something I can post one of the submissions in a feature blog post.  :)
  3. I still need to update the Mooshbot Minions static page on this blog.  Any ideas?  Thinking of putting a "creed" of sorts on there.  haha Just gotta sort out my thoughts.  OMs, e-mail to follow.


  1. Just a suggestion and it works for me. For domestic shipping, flat rate small envelope is $5.15 if you do it all online. I use the small box all the time. The envelope and box is free. You can even request some dropped off at your house. Takes a week to get there. But, you can also grab them from your local post office.

    1. It wasn't the domestic ones that got me. I almost always use the small Priority Flat Rate boxes for domestic shipping. :) It's the international ones the were "misquoted." Even the postal worker was surprised when the prices came up. :(

  2. I suggest shipping the international orders via USPS 1st class. There will be little to no difference in how quick they get there, since once they leave the U.S. they will be at the mercy of the receivers postal service. You can pay extra for "tracking" but I wouldn't bother. The tracking for international stops updating once they leave the US anyhow. Your cost for 1st class will be a LOT closer to the domestic flat rate cost you were counting on.

    1. Domestic orders were shipped priority flat and international orders were shipped via first class in the bubble envelopes. I haven't got a clue why the international ones came out to be $12.xx.

  3. Received my coins today Mooshi :D They are amazing :D

  4. Hey man, I'd like to join the Minions! I'll take the lowest number available. Found you on USN.
