25 June 2013

1 Month

It's officially been one month since I'd received my custom notebook cover.  :D

Brand new as soon as I came home from the Steel Flame event:

1 month of daily carry:

I swear, this notebook [cover] is my absolute favorite carry item.  :)  I would hate to part with it for even a day.  But I might have to.  The back pockets of some of my girl pants are a little short, and so the notebook tends to slip out.  I'd remedied this with a "temporary" chain that holds it in place by slipping it in at the fold of the notebook.  It works, but it just doesn't look all that great.  I might have to send it back to have a grommet or tab added to the spine.  :(  I don't wanna be without it though!

:)  The wear is lookin' great and I can't wait to compare it next month.


  1. I like that cover so much I just ordered one for my self. I got it from a local guy in a size to fit field notes. I'm glad I have man pockets.

    1. haha Awesome! Natural veggie tanned too? :) Hope to see how yours ages over time! :D

  2. The wear at a leather object is always great, I know this from my wallet, I'm curious how your cover looks like after a year...

    1. True that! :) I plan on taking shots every month for the next year to see its progression. :D I looooooooove leather gear. :D
