28 June 2013

1 Week In... I Want to Go Back!

Just finished up my first week of work since coming back home after visiting my uncle.

My uncle's still doing a teeny bit better each day from what I've heard.  The road to getting better is going to be hard, but I pray he fights for it.  It's kind of like being a baby again and having to learn how to sit, walk, eat solid foods, and all that fun stuff.  We're still awaiting the results of that biopsy.

I think we take a lot of these things for granted.  Seeing my uncle bedridden before I came back was pretty heartbreaking.  The man I looked up to all my life, who took care of me all my life... was helpless.  But, I believe he'll get better.  I think by next week, as long as he continues to gain his strength back, he'll start physical therapy and begin walking again soon.

I'd really like to get back over to NC.  I miss the atmosphere.  I miss my family.  I wonder how things would be over on the east coast or south had I never moved back to over here to sunny SoCal.

It's kind of a weird feeling stepping away from your usual routine in life to adapt to the changes at hand.  Time seems to get stretched thinner and thinner - I'm glad school is out for the summer.  I'm not sure how I could handle it otherwise.  I go to work in the mornings, come home for lunch and grab a quick nap, then I head out to the shop to help out with the family business.

While hectic and not leaving much time for anything else, really, except for a few minutes to blog each day, it's kind of nice seeing things from a whole new perspective.  And my family finally feels like a family again.  It's been a long time since I'd felt this close to my family.  A very long time.  I think the ability to step back and re-prioritize my life at this moment is simply amazing.

2013 has been pretty rough.  Actually, today I also got word that a friend had passed and another is in critical condition after an accident last evening.  It's too surreal - just yesterday, I was joking around with one of them at work.  He'd even picked on us 'cause we had done work by hand for about an hour, uncrating a new table for the office, only to learn as we were pulling the last two screws out that he had a couple of electric drills we could use.

In the midst of all this, there are always those glimmers of happiness that shines bright each day.  Never forget to look back over your day and look for reasons to smile.  No matter how small that reason may be, they'll always outweigh all else.

haha My little glimmer of happy today?  I finished a notebook and started a new one.  :P  That always makes me giddy.  There's just something satisfying about finishing a notebook and really filling it up with ideas.  A fresh start.  :)



  1. Don't forget to take a little time for yourself everyday! And a notebook full of my own handwriting makes me giddy, too.

    1. Will do, thank you! :) haha Looking back at some of the things I wrote/doodled, I'm amazed at the stuff that pops in through my head sometimes. :P
