08 June 2013

08 June 2013: Happy Birthday, Brother! :D Time for Breakfast!

Quick shout out to my brother, who turns 26 today!  :D  A nice plate o' breakfast and a mug of chai tea (ran out of Cafe Du Monde!).  MmmMmm...

Been really diggin' carrying this TNT and the notebook is still amazing as always.  :D  The notebook is slowly developing some patina - I can't wait to see how it looks like in a year.  :)  Nothin' in my carry changes too much, especially when I'm lounging at home.

Perhaps a new vape setup will be added later on today.  Definitely some new juices.  I'll be taking my brother out to a couple of vape shops to set him up with one later this afternoon.  :)  He keeps taking my eGo-T.  haha!



Just came back from the vape shop.  :)  I got myself a replacement Boge cart and had brother pick out his own little setup.  He went with the eGo Mini, Boge cart, and 3 juices - Gummy Bear, Smarty Tarty (like US Smarties candies), and Green Fairy (like black licorice).  :)  Now he can stop taking my stuff.


Just finished dinner with the family.  :)  Had lobster and clams tonight.  :D  Then ended it with some boba on the way home.  :)