30 August 2012

Labels! / Tin o' Stuff (015/365)

Whoo!  I got a new embosser not too long ago.  I got my very first label maker at the age of 11.  It was a small Dymo that cost about $6.00.  I like it was called the Label Buddy?  I absolutely loved it, but when I got into high school, I lent it to my friend, who unfortunately broke it.  It was the perfect size and everything.  Since then, the embossers were a little hard to come by since Dymo, Brother, and other companies dabbled into the print type. Dymo still does make the little gun looking ones, but they are much larger than I would like.

Fast forward years later to 2012.  Smashbook, that one company that changed the face of the scrapbooking world, introduced this little guy (in purple, at that!).  I found it at Michaels and it retails for about $10.00.  I had a coupon, so it brought it down to just about $6.00.  I've been labeling just about anything that I could ever since!  This works out perfectly because as far as I know, it takes my old Dymo cartridges.  I picked up a bunch of them when they went on clearance years ago for about $0.30 per pack of 5 (much better than the current retail price of these!).  Yes.  I really love labeling my items.

It works perfectly fine and is absolutely tiny, but I wish that they designed it like the Label Buddy in that there was actually a place for the embossing tape cartridge to sit in.  This one just has it sitting off to the side and half the time it unrolls itself.  I tried latching it on, but it just messed up my labels since the tape couldn't roll out properly.  Oh well!  It works!  :)

Hmm... I wonder if they still make the Bubble Tape embosser!  I'll have to keep my eye out for that.  :P  I find it now and again in the candy stores that sell a lot of those novelty type candies.

As for the Tin o' Stuff...  Just giving an update that it's suffered a few dings since it was residing in my Maxpedition Pygmy Falcon, which I was sporting throughout the skating accident on Sunday.  It's only got some dings on the lid, but it still closes perfectly fine.  :)  Yay for hard love!  :)

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