14 November 2012

Michaels Grab Bag (085/365)

I got my very first ever $2.00 Grab Bag from Michaels today.  I was going to get the one filled with Halloween goodies, but I went with this one 'cause my mom likes to put flowers together for the holidays.

For $2.00 and tax, I got a total of 27 different bouquets as you see in the photo above.  The retail price on these would have equaled $110.00 (those little ones in the bottom right corner were marked $3.00 a piece, and I got 20 of those).

Kinda fun.  :)  I may pick up one of those Halloween ones so that I can play with the activities or keep 'em 'round 'til next year for the trick or treaters.  For $2.00, you really can't go wrong.  I've seen some pretty good hauls on YouTube.  My local Michaels doesn't have these often, so it was kinda fun to grab one today.  :D

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