09 November 2012

Gen KBBQ (081/365)

Whoo!  Happy birthday, J!  :)  As always, I had a great time tonight with my buddies.  Tonight we headed out to Gen KBBQ in HB.  We had gone to the one in Tustin or whatever back when J graduated and decided to try this one out since it had just opened.  They had a few more items on their menu and the food was just as good as the other place.

Luckily for us, with only a group of 3 this night, we were seated in about 5 minutes - it would normally be a 2 hour wait otherwise.  I didn't like the seating arrangements for the smaller groups since you are elbow-to-elbow with the next group.  :(

But ah well.  KBBQ deliciousness is worth it!  We were sad that they had no alcohol though - they didn't have their licensing in order yet or something.  I'm surprised that they didn't work all that out prior to their grand opening.

I look forward to the next outing here, though!  :)

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