30 April 2012

Duct Tape Keychain Fob

The other night, I couldn't sleep.  While tinkering with my box of odds and ends, I came up with the idea of making a fob that carries duct tape so that I could have it wherever I go.  It partially came from the fact that though I have items that I EDC, duct tape was the one item that would have come in handy at that morning's photoshoot, but wasn't on my person.

On the far right is the final product!  I'd wrapped 3 feet of duct tape around the barrel of a pen, then scored and broke the ends off with a razor blade.  I then looped gutted paracord through, attached it to my carabiner, and knotted the ends so that it wouldn't fall off.

I'd felt like a genius until I started searching around, only to find that I wasn't the first to think of this.  ITS Tactical had written a post similar to this back in September 2011.  There was also a YouTube video of some fella who did the same.

HOWEVER.  The difference between mine and both of theirs is that my duct tape is free-rolling on the pen barrel.  Theirs is directly taped on to the paracord, which I thought was... inconvenient.  I like the way my duct tape comes off the roll.

Why do I do it this way?  I try to keep my wallet with only the bare essentials - some form of payment, driver's license, school ID, and some bandages.  That means the flattened "wallet" carry with duct tape wrapped around an old card is out.  I didn't want to carry any loose rolls, so just carrying around a mini roll (unless it's in my backup kit) is out.  That little keychain rides on my belt loop daily (or jacket pocket).  This just seemed like the more practical way for me to carry duct tape.  Girl pants don't offer versatile ways of carrying anything, really.


haha As a bonus content, here's a shot of my electrical tape "pills."  That's two feet of electrical tape wrapped around empty ballpoint ink barrels.  These get thrown into Altoids kits and my schoolbag EDC.

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