28 November 2011

AT&T Customer Service

Good job, AT&T.  This is the second time I've called them with any problems and they'd resolved it within minutes.  Better yet, I was not put on hold nor was I in a queue to speak to a customer service provider.

This time around, I'd called because at 1228 today, I'd gotten an update on my data plan saying that I'd used up 199.7MB of my allotted 200MB for the month.  I immediately turned off all data usage and background data, only to receive a text at 1324 informing me that I'd gone over my data allottment and would be billed another $15.00 for an extra 200MB for the rest of the month.

That's just wrong.  There's only 2 more days left in this month and it already takes me a whole month to use up 200MB.  At 1542, I'd gotten another update on my data and said that I'd gone over by 0.1MB.  I  was flustered!  There was no way I was going to pay an overage fee for the next two days' use nor for such a small overage.

Within minutes of calling customer service and explaining my situation, I was given $15.00 credit on next month's bill.  Good job.  :) I'm not quite sure whether or not I can still continue using the data considering I've already got an extra $15.00 credit, but to be on the safe side and a good customer, I'll keep it off unless I really need it.

Thanks, AT&T.


  1. Hi! I am in the same situation as you were with the data issue. My data went over by .1mb and i am so mad :( i am planning on calling at&t tomorrow. could u give me any advice on what i should say so i won't have to pay an extra $15 for 0.1mb? thank you!!

    Please respond ASAP because my plan ends in less than 5 days :( thank you so much

    1. Hey. :) I honestly just asked them, "Hey, my data went over by only 0.1MB and there's only a few days left before the month is over. Could you please waive the overage fee?" They said it was perfectly fine.

      They did have to "charge" me the $15.00 overage fee, but it was marked as credit to use for the following month's bill. :)

      I hope that helped!

    2. thank you so much :)

    3. You are most welcome. :) Best wishes!
