04 July 2013

Happy 4th!

I've still got a few minutes left of this fine day.  :)

Thank you to all who have served, are currently serving, and are planning on serving.  :D

Had a nice day to myself.  Hopped in my car and drove down to the beach and people watched (while trying to find parking).  The whole town was on their beach cruisers and everyone was all decked out in the great red, white, and blue.  It was really quite amazing to see the community celebrating together - people of all ages, races, and everything.  It was wonderful.

:)  Strangers coming up to one another just wishing each other a great Independence Day.  It was wonderful.  Everyone was so happy.

And then those people who live on the beachfront homes just had chairs outside.  Family and friends gathered 'round to enjoy the wonderful weather today.  Laughing and smiling... :)  A great sight to behold.  It was nice to see them wave to the passerbys too.  :)  You don't see that too often - people extending a warm welcome to strangers.  The occasional nod and smile are witnessed, but not too often do you see that warm, genuine welcome, from the gesture, to the voice tone, down to the body language.

A great day was had, for sure.

Now, it's time to go to bed.  'Cause tomorrow, I'm taking another trek down to the beach for some fishing.  :D


  1. Glad you had a good 4th. Definitely one of my favorite holidays and my day's birthday too. I went to the Cayucos parade- a really cool little old fashioned, small town forth of July parade.

    1. :D That sounds awesome! And happy birthday. :) It's been a while since I really got to enjoy the 4th. The past few years I was scheduled to work... and those shifts were horrible.
