26 April 2013

Steel Flame Tags

I had a request to put up a photo of all of my Steel Flame tags so far.  :)  All of the Steel Flame ones were gifts from friends except for the Crusader/Wings one.  The Crusader/Wings one I had bought because of all of the designs that Steel Flame puts out, anything crusader, wings, or bushido related ones are my favorites. I've been looking around to see if I could score a bushido/snake one.  :)  'Cause I love all things bushido, snake (Year of the Snake!!!), and dragon.

The two to the right are handmade tags that my friends made and gifted to me.  I had them make the tags to be roughly the size of Steel Flame's so that I could keep them on the same keyring, comfortably. The top one represents a youth group that I know (Mustard Seeds) and the bottom is my user tag.


  1. Nice! And like I say after looking at most pictures on EDCF, "I need to get me some of those!" :)

    1. hehe :) They're fun to collect. It seems that the EDCF crowd has started to pick up on the Steel Flame tags as of late. :)
