A continuation of Care Bags: Part 1.
My bestie and I were supposed to go to Disneyland a few days ago. But we opted to spend the day shopping for items for our Care Bags project instead. :)
For our first "mini haul," we decided to grab enough items to make 10 bags determine three things:
- how much each bag would roughly cost us
- how well we could cover the basics
- how well everything would fit in our bags
Whoo! All of our bags are finished! :) The ones with the blue ribbon are for females.
All of our bags follow the same foundation, which includes:
- granola bars, 1
- mints, 4
- Werther's hard caramels (my Bestie insisted
), 1
- Dum-Dum pops, 2
- Slim Jim, 1
- Chiclets, 1 (these were the fruity ones... I meant to grab the mint ones but got these by accident)
- raisins, 1
- tea bag, 2
- apple sauce, 1
- crackers (cheese), 1
- toothbrush w/ cover, 1
- toothpaste, (full sized, 6 ounce), 1
- bar soap, 1
- wash cloth, 1
- comb, 1
- tissues, 1
- lip balm, 1
- disposable razor, 1
- [feminine hygiene products, 2 tampons + 2 liners]
- the baggies themselves
After coming home and looking over everything, I realized that we had forgotten to add water to the mix. In the future, when funds allow, we plan on adding to each baggie, a full sized bottle of shampoo and a stick of deodorant.
After calculating our costs, the total came out to be just shy of $5.00 per bag.
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