07 December 2012

Goal Zero + Awesome Customer Service (108/365)

Thanks to the wonderful members over at EDCF, I was finally able to get an item that's been sitting on my wishlist for so long - the Goal Zero Guide 10 Plus battery pack w/ Nomad 7 solar panel.  I sold some of my gear that had been gathering dust and was finally able to afford it.  :)  And just in the nick of time to treat myself to my annual birthday/Christmas gift.  :P

I was actually planning on getting this from REI since they were having the promotional deal going on where you get a $20.00 on every transaction over $100.00.  I really, REALLY did want the Adventure Kit there that came with the Nomad 7, Goal Zero Guide 10+, and the free crank/solar flashlight.  But alas, all of my local REIs ran out of that set and wouldn't be getting any in before 1) I leave for Mission: Superstorm Sandy with the Joes and 2) before the $20.00 promo ended.  Most importantly was that I got it before the mission, though.

Anyway, it just so happened that this week, Goal Zero was having their road show at Costco too.  The closest I could get to what I wanted was the "special" pack they have that features a Nomad 7, Guide 10+, and Rockout speakers for $130.00.  I got that and I was feeling a little remorseful.  Especially since I didn't even want the Rockout.  But I figured I could either sell it or find a use for it and it'd be no biggie.

Upon opening it, I found out that it was the older model that was near impossible to store because of its design.  I was sad to find out that it wasn't the newer design that had the zippered pocket to hold everything that I saw on YouTube reviews.  This older model just had the tiny hook 'n loop pocket, and even when empty was hard to hold.

At the time, I didn't know it was the "older" model - I just thought that it was a horrible design and I'd have to live with it because it was probably just a "special edition" made for Costco.  Boy, was I wrong.  :)  They resolved my issue in a mere 2 minutes!  Here's how it went:

(after introductions were made)
Me:  I was wondering if the Nomad 7's went under a redesign?
CS:  (she went through some technical specs then ended with...) and the zipper pocket to hold your accessories.
Me:  Oh?  That's odd.  I just bought mine from Costco just about an hour ago.  I was expecting the zippered pocket as I had seen online, but mine didn't come with that feature.
CS:  Let me see if there's one we can send you.  (hold)  We do have one in the warehouse we can ship right out to you and you'll have it within a few days.
:)  That there, is great customer service.  I had actually offered to go to Costco again and see if they had any of the newer ones, but she insisted that she take care of it herself.

Great job, Goal Zero.  I applaud you!

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