29 December 2012

Goal Zero Guide 10+ : 1 Month Later (130/365)

So I've had this Guide 10+ battery pack from Goal Zero for nearly a month now.  It's served me well so far and I'm really happy with it.

I know that there are other gadgets out there at the same price point that can do the job better, but here are some reasons why I chose this one in particular:

  1. I really like the ability to connect and charge it via solar power to the Goal Zero Nomad 7 panel.
  2. Unlike lithium battery packs (such as NewTrent and Anker), I can replace the AA/AAA batteries should they ever get shot.  Should the lithium ones get shot, I'd have to buy a whole new unit.
  3. In a pinch, I have backup AA/AAA cells for my other gadgets (namely flashlights) if I ever need them.
  4. It's about the size of a deck of cards, so it really doesn't take up that much space.  While I wouldn't EDC this in my pocket (okay, maybe jacket pocket), it easily rides in any of my bags/purses.
The Guide 10+ unit will charge my Motorola Atrix (whose battery is 1800mAh) 1 - 2 times.  Not necessarily twice fully, but good enough to get me through the day until I can get home to the wall charger.  If I cannot, there's always the solar option...

There seems to be the tendency that once I whip out this little thing and charge up my phone, while out with friends, those around me will also need/want to use it.  The "downside" in comparison to a NewTrent is that it just doesn't hold that much power.  I can hardly charge up my phone let alone my friends.  Which is why (in the picture above) I carry an extra set of cells with me.  For about the same price, I could get a NewTrent 7000mAh power pack, which should be able to do the same job as my current GZ setup.  However, this setup was bought purely for my own personal use, so it's fine as is.  And the above points still apply.  :)

I had thought about getting a spare battery for my phone, specifically, but why spend the extra $$$ when I have this?  Sure it's a little bulkier to carry (especially with having to make sure I have the charging cable), but whatever.  :)  The bit of hassle is well worth putting my hard earned money elsewhere, I think.  :D

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