23 February 2014

23 February 2014: Slippie Sunday

Surprise came in the mail yesterday in the form of a new slippie!  (Or is it slippy?)  This is the GEC 47 Viper in OD Green Linen Micarta.  It's WONDERFUL.  It's my first GEC and my first high carbon steel knife.  I'm gonna have a blast watching this patina over the coming months.  It might just knock my Case Russlock out as my daily carry (which hasn't left my pocket for even a day since I got it...).


  1. Just came across your blog and I've spent way too many hours looking at it. You've got style, there are more than a few cues I'll be taking from you.

    1. Good day! :) Thank you kindly. I really should update this blog, though. I hadn't written in a while, but I do miss it.
