18 November 2011

Hand Sanitizer?!

Above would be all of the hand sanitizers in the house... that's not including the small collection in my car...

I've always liked hand sanitizer, but I've never really used it (as you can see, the majority of those bottles are still full other than the large one that sits on my desk and the orange one that's been in my purse for some time now).  Until now.  Why?  I don't know.  It started with all of the free little promotional ones.  Then I got the larger bottles for free after coupons.  Then I thought the little bottles were cute (I'm going after the 0.5 ounce Purell ones next!).  And then the Germ-X brand has the orange and green apple scented ones for kids (those are my two favorite scents).  The collection just built up from there.

Most of what I have are unscented.  Though I do have the orange and green apple as mentioned above as well as lavender.  My mom's a fan of the Bath and Body Works.  I find their scents too strong.  I'd once mixed the Bath and Body Works one with the generic ones from Dollar Tree in a 1:1 and found that it was still pretty strong.  So I guess that's one way of stretching your dollar if you really like the scent of the BBW ones.

A lot of people seem to not like the Dollar Tree ones (Assured brand), but I like them.  Most of the complaints revolve around the idea that it's too drying.  I've found that it works perfectly find.  I did notice that my lavender scented one feels more silky than the unscented one though.  But overall, I'm quite happy with the purchases.  If you want the more portable option though, go for the "bonus" 3-pack.  Each bottle is 2.0 ounces.  There are also 2-pack available, but they're also only 2.0 ounces each.  I don't know why... maybe it's a marketing ploy.  Same company, same volume per bottle, different packaging (the 3-pack ones look more stout, so I guess if you're not looking at the volume, you'd think the 2-pack ones were a better deal).  If you want the larger bottle for say your desk, restroom, or office, go for the "50% more" bottle (12.0 ounces), rather than the regular 8.0 ounce ones.

For the most part, I think I've always had it around, but never really used it because I would have to dig it out of my purse and I don't really like flip-top caps.  Then when I got the larger bottles, they had pumps on them so I would keep one on my desk and found myself using it before meals.

I've since gotten into the habit of using it after using public computers (namely the ones at school), when I'm out eating with my friends and there's no sink available, and after going into stores where I'm touching things that have most likely been touched by a million other people before me.  I don't think I'm addicted to using it as I am forming a little collection.  I think they'll be donated soon enough.  I didn't realise how my collection has grown until I'd rounded them up for that picture.  haha

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