27 November 2011

Are Holiday Cards Still a Big Deal?

Or has the role of social media (i.e. Facebook) taken over?

I was never big on sending cards until this year, to be honest.  After I started sending postcards, and later, handmade cards out to friends and family, I realised it was something I just really enjoyed to do.  The act of writing out my thoughts and using pen/paper rather than just typing a message to my recipients is a whole lot more rewarding.  Or something.  It's just nice.

But with Facebook and all that becoming such a big part of our lives and photo sharing being easier than ever, will the holiday cards (with annual family portraits and all that) slowly die out?  I've personally never had a family portrait, but I've seen people take the time and make the effort to do so for the holiday season.  I've read about it plenty.  And of course, it's portrayed in the media as being a big deal for lots of families.

Cost must play a big role as well.  This year, I'm sending out postcards to most friends/family to wish them a great holiday season (postage is about half the price for postcards compared to regular letters).  For closer friends/family (sorry!) they'll be getting handmade cards.

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